Dr. Dilip S. Kiyawat, Leading Spine & Neurosurgeon in the Field of SURGERY OF THE CRANIOVERTEBRAL JUNCTION
Craniovertebral injuries refer to trauma or damage involving the junction between the skull (cranium) and the vertebral column, particularly the upper cervical spine. This region is crucial for supporting and facilitating head movement. Injuries can result from various causes, including
accidents, falls, or sports injuries. The most vulnerable junction is the atlanto-occipital joint (connecting the skull and the first cervical vertebra) and the atlantoaxial joint (between the first and
second cervical vertebrae). Such injuries can lead to fractures, dislocations, or ligamentous damage,
potentially impacting the spinal cord and surrounding structures. Depending on the severity, treatment may involve immobilization with a cervical collar, traction, or surgical intervention to
stabilize and address the specific injury. Early diagnosis and appropriate management are crucial for
preventing complications and optimizing outcomes.
atlanto axial dislocation
seen on ct scan
The commonest cause of CVJ Injuries is fall or vehicular accident
Persistent neck pain, tingling, weakness and heaviness in the limbs develop in advance stages.
Consists of immobilization of neck with a collar. Surgical intervension is required in some cases
Physiotherapy & Occupational Therapy are required after surgical stabilization