A young boy of 15 years was complaining of backache and, progressive
imbalance and weakness of both legs for 2 months. He took treatment of various specialists from Ayurved, naturopathy, massage specialist and orthopedic specialists etc.
He continued to get worse.
MRI of his spine showed a large tumour compressing the spinal cord which needed a major surgery to give him relief. When this decision was revealed his parents they were in shock as none of the previous specialists had suspected such a serious diagnosis.
Reluctantly they consented for a surgery.
The tumour was reached by performing a laminectomy (removing the posterior part of bone ) and with the help of a microscope the tumour was separated from the spinal cord and removed totally.
It was a fluid containing cyst which had a connection from within the dura mater (a covering of the spinal cord).

The boy made a complete recovery within one week and was able to walk normal.
Often the relatives and patients of spinal disorder get frightened on hearing about surgery on the spine. Today we have advanced gadgets and experienced surgeons which have made spine surgery highly safe with good results. This boy was allowed to go to school after three weeks.